Category: <span>Wellness</span>

3 Ways to Stay Healthy And Fit This Christmas

If you’re like most families, you are knee-deep into the Christmas festivities. The uncertainties surrounding Coronavirus infection have waned and you are so ready to share the love and spend time with loved ones. You’ve scheduled the Christmas parties you are going to attend and mapped out your Christmas shopping. …

Headaches: Here is why Chiropractic care is an important option.

A very common and overlooked cause of chronic headaches is dysfunction of spinal bones in the neck and upper back. These dysfunctions can be taken care of without use of medications. A person is likely to experience headaches 96% of their lifetime. In fact, Headaches are so common, some people …

aged 50 years and above?

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This easy to read e-book will change everything you ever thought about the concept of Wellness for those aged 50 years and above!

Enjoy exploring!